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mockup cwc capital Markets Day Webcasts-1 RESEARCH PAPER

Capital Markets Day Webcasts

Company Webcast, a Euronext Company has looked into the effectiveness of Capital Markets Day webcasts and published a research paper that shows that webcasting your Capital Markets Day or other investor relations events can be an efficient way to reach and engage with a global audience of investors and analysts.

Download this research paper to get all the facts and figures on how Capital Markets Day webcasts work, and how you could make them work for your company.

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What to expect from this research paper:

  • The advantages of webcasting your Capital Markets Day

  • Figures on the average number and profile of viewers, time watched etc.

  • Experiences of listed companies who have webcasted their Capital Markets Days

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About Company Webcast

Market leader in webinars and webcasts

A state-of-the-art webinar and webcasting solution to maximise the impact of your communications. Reach more viewers and increase engagement for your investor relations events, internal communications, marketing and external communications.

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